Jul 28, 2023
On this episode of SuperStar Communicator titled host Susan Heaton-Wright and co-host Nick Simon engage in a live discussion with guest Raquel Ark. The episode dives deep into the importance of listening in leadership and creative problem-solving.
The episode highlights the episodic nature of listening, with moments of focused attention being crucial. Listeners are encouraged to pay attention to when they listen at their best and recreate those conditions to foster effective listening. Self-listening and feedback are also discussed as methods to improve listening skills.
Key points from the podcast:
00:03:00] Listening is a powerful and energizing superpower.
[00:04:26] Effective listening: being present, fully engaged.
[00:12:32] Listening is harder than people think. It's important for leaders to listen to their teams. Good listening promotes complex thinking and understanding. Asking questions and showing genuine interest is key.
[00:17:13] Listening and showing interest is crucial.
[00:19:31] Powerful listening: ask questions and follow.
[00:22:39] Leaders need clarity, discipline, and structure in listening. They should create conditions for effective listening.
[00:28:39] Allow yourself to fail and start over.
[00:34:20] Powerful women write book on embracing equity.
[00:38:41] Thank you Nick and Raquel, much appreciated.
Download the transcription here.
Raquel Ark, MA, CPC, is a podcast host, speaker, mentor, coach and trainer. She has over 25 years of experience in multinational corporations and academia, currently spending most of her time in tech. She is the Founder of listening ALCHEMY, a communication training and coaching organisation including foundational, evidence-based listening and communication programs. She is the podcast host of the listening SUPERPOWER podcast focused mainly on listening in teams and organisations for more effective communication. She has spoken on the TedX stage. Raquel is currently the President of the International Listening Association. She is a Puerto Rican-American living in Germany.
You can contact her here:
Email: contact@listeningalchemy.com Website: https://listeningalchemy.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raquel-ark-b2067613/?originalSubdomain=de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Listening-Alchemy/100027214076836/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/listening_alchemy/ listening SUPERPOWER podcast: https://listeningalchemy.com/podcast/
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